Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week 18

Merry Christmas!!!! I have popped. I am wearing maternity clothes now. I don't care for them but what do you do. I am just so thankful to Amanda and Nanal for letting me borrow theirs. We have had a wonderful holiday. Zach was here this week and he thinks it is cool that we are having a baby. He is going to make a great big brother, and we are lucky that the baby will have such a good role model. Mom had all of us over Wednesday night for a wonderful Christmas dinner. Christmas eve I went to church with Aunt Carroll and Uncle Bud. It was beautiful. When it was time to sing Silent Night, they dimmed the lights and the church glowed from the candle light. It was a time of reflection of self and over the past. Although we lost grandmother this year, MacKenzie was born, and Jess and I both found out we were pregnant. I cried through most of it but it was very emtional. I miss my Dad. He would have been so excited I was having a boy, but I know he is watching over us. Then we went to Scott's mom's on Christmas day. It was a lot of driving but we had a nice visit. She is excited about the baby. I am pretty sure I felt him move Christmas night after we came home. I want to feel it again. We are definitely going to call him Jack, but are still working out the actual name that will go on the birth certificate. Scott and I are agreeing on names, thank goodness. I am so excited about next week. We are going to see Josh, Megan, Jess, Chris, and MacKenize. Kenzie is going to be one, Jess is about to deliver, and I am half way through my pregnancy. Time is going by so fast.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

week 17

It is still a boy!!!!! My friend Teresa wanted to check be sure. He was showing off this day. We still don't have any pictures but I got to see him. He had his arm propped up by hid head. He is so cute and has attitude already. I went to the doctor this week and had only gained 3 pounds for a total of 7 so far. However, I am growing. We listened the heartbeat and everything is good. I go for my official ultrasound Jan 5 and then we will have pictures to post. I wanted to show baby's first outfit (Bought by Nonna and Ronald).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

week 16

Daddy's birthday was Tuesday, so I arranged for us to meet Kathy, Frank, Jason, and Deonna for dinner that night. We had a good time. On the way home, Scott told me how excited he was about having a boy and how he looked forward to raising his little buddy. Isn't that sweet. The next night I had a work dinner so I didn't get home late and Thursday I had a Christmas party in Birmingham. By Friday, I was just tired and whiny. I did get to see my Best Friend Amanda and her little girl. Kennedy is so sweet and adorable. I couldn't put her down. I hope I am able to put our baby down for naps, but there is nothing better than to hold a little baby while they sleep. I went to try on maternity clothes and they were are hideous except one pair of pants. It probably didn't help the girl I was with weighs like 95 lbs and has never been pregnant. Anyways, I came home and slept for 10 hours. I didn't even get up to tinkle and that is unheard of. Saturday, Scott painted the new half bathroom and I cleaned. He has been working really hard on the addition. Hopefully, the main level part will be done by the first of the year and the upstairs by the time the baby is here. Baby and I love Daddy very much.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

week 15

It's a BOY!!!! We found out Friday. One of my closet friends, Teresa, scanned me Friday morning. Teresa is on the right and my friend Queenie on the left. After the ultrasound Scott had to go back to work, so we took separate cars. I cried the whole way to Montgomery. Teresa and I have been through so much together and she has been a rock for me. It was extra special that she was the one that was going to show us the gender and everytime I thought about it I would get all emtional. Scott was more impressed with how big and clear the baby was. We could see the spine, arms, hands, feet, etc. I was relieved to see the brain and the spinal cord was just perfect. I haven't had any caffeine my entire pregnancy, so when I drank a Mountain Dew that morning the baby was dancing like crazy (which was the point). However, about three hours later I crashed. We weren't able to take any pictures because everything is digital now and this was under the table. Afterwards, I went to breakfast with my mom and Ronald to tell them the sex of the baby. Mom is overjoyed. With me being as only child, she was hoping for a boy. I think the picture says it all.