It's a BOY!!!! We found out Friday. One of my closet friends, Teresa, scanned me Friday morning. Teresa is on the right and my friend Queenie on the left. After the ultrasound Scott had to go back to work, so we took separate cars. I cried the whole way to Montgomery. Teresa and I have been through so much together and she has been a rock for me. It was extra special that she was the one that was going to show us the gender and everytime I thought about it I would get all emtional. Scott was more impressed with how big and clear the baby was. We could see the spine, arms, hands, feet, etc. I was relieved to see the brain and the spinal cord was just perfect. I haven't had any caffeine my entire pregnancy, so when I drank a Mountain Dew th
at morning the baby was dancing like crazy (which was the point). However, about three hours later I crashed. We weren't able to take any pictures because everything is digital now and this was under the table. Afterwards, I went to breakfast with my mom and Ronald to tell them the sex of the baby. Mom is overjoyed. With me being as only child, she was hoping for a boy. I think the picture says it all.
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