This has been a wonderful week. I went to the doctor Tuesday and we got to hear the heartbeat again. It was avergaing 153 beats per minute which is perfect. 13 weeks......We made it over the hump. The first trimester is when most problems happen and it is over. Dr Ashurst told me I could breath again. As much as I have enjoyed it, I have always been a little scared. Doing ultrasound for so long and having studied all the things that can go wrong, leave a little bit of worry in a new mommy. I prayed about it and it would go away. I made up my mind that I wasn't going to let it get to me. I have waited for a long time for this and I am going to enjoy it and I have.
My best friend Amanda had Kennedy on Friday, Nov 20. She had a c- section and it was over very quickly. I got to hold her first. She is just perfect. Amanda and I say that I am either carring her best friend or her future husband. It is hard to believe that in 6 months that will be Scott and I.
YAY! You are in the 2nd trimester now! Everything gets least for a while! LOL When do you go find out the sex?